Comparison of performance of various irrigation and fertilizer devices

Various irrigation and fertilization devices have different characteristics and are suitable for different application conditions. The main performance comparisons are shown in the table.

Comparison of various fertilization methods

Project Bypass Tank Venturi Fertilizer Syringe Pump Pressure Fertiliser Applicator Ease of Operation Solid Fertilizer Application Liquid Fertilizer Application Fertilizer Solution Rate Concentration Control Flow Control Head Loss Automated Cost Expensive
√ 无 无 良好 良好 良好 良好 良好 良好
Small Medium Medium Medium Large Medium Medium Medium 1
Large and accurate and accurate
√ √ √ 良好 良好 良好 良好 良好 良好

√ controllable and accurate without high

1 Use liquid fertilizer or solid fertilizer dissolved in water to prepare nutrient mother liquor

Amino Acids are biologically important organic compounds composed of amine and carboxylic acid functional groups, along with a side-chain specific to each amino acid. With biological significance, amino acids are important in nutrition and are commonly used in Nutritional Supplements, fertilizers, and food technology. Industrial uses include the production of drugs, biodegradable plastics, and chiral catalysts.

Amino Acids

Natural Amino Acids,Amino Acids Powder,Amino Acids Particles,Amino Acids Tablets