Ant culture conditions

Ants can grow normally within 15-40°C, but the optimal temperature is between 25-35°C. Winter falls below 10°C and enters hibernation. Ants are social insects that live in clusters and have a good nesting relationship. Most species build nests in the ground and they are often eaten with mixed foods.

Ant's food variety source:

Low-grade species: feed on meat, insects, small animals, even sick, dead big animals;

Odorous subspecies subspecies: The higher species in the subfamily Subfamily Subfamily of Tomicidae and Termites, which are capable of feeding on plants and animals, such as honeydew and aphid secreting honeydew;

Most of the other ants are herbivorous: they mostly eat dry leaves, seeds, fruits, branches, etc. It is a higher omnivorous species that can feed rice bran, wheat bran, beans, sugars, fruits and animal feed such as fish meal, silkworm cocoon, bones, eggs, and dead and live insects. Artificial feeding conditions; can be fed rice bran, wheat bran, bean cake, bean dregs, chicken compound feed, honey, sugar and various melons and fruit and animal feed such as insect carcasses.

Ant Farm Facilities and Construction:

There are many breeding methods for ants, such as natural stocking and artificial rearing. The current methods of artificial rearing include bed-type pond breeding, cylinder-type breeding, indoor stocking, box-type three-dimensional breeding, garden-scale breeding, and greenhouse-scale breeding. .

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