Fig processing technology

Fig processing technology (1) fig fruit powder. 1 production process: raw material selection → raw material processing, juice extraction → filtration, clarification → concentration → spray drying → cooling → packaging. 2 process points: raw material selection: use 6-7 mature fresh figs or dried figs. Raw material processing and pressing juice: clean the raw materials, add 1 kg of fruit by 1 kg of water, or add 1 kg of fruit dry water and 5 kg of water, add it to a stainless steel pot, heat it to 85-90°C, and keep it for 20-30. Minutes, then stop heating, stand for 24 hours, squeeze juice. Filtration, clarification: Filtration through a sieve filter followed by natural clarification or enzyme clarification. Concentrate; atmospheric concentration and vacuum concentration can be used. It is concentrated under atmospheric pressure and concentrated in a stainless steel double-layer pot with a heating steam pressure of 2.5 kg/cm2. Concentration process pay attention to stirring, accelerate the evaporation of water, prevent coking, concentration to make the solids reach 28%, each concentration should not be too much feeding, time is appropriate 40 minutes. Concentrate in vacuo and concentrate under reduced pressure at a lower temperature. Heating, steam pressure 1.5 kg/cm2, temperature 50 °C. Spray drying: The high-pressure spray equipment is used to spray-dry the fig concentrated juice, the feed temperature is 50-60°C, the high-pressure pump working pressure is 180 kg/cm2, the dry aid dextrin powder is added 0.5%, and the air inlet temperature is 120 °C, outlet air temperature 75-78 °C. Cooling and packaging: The dried fig powder is rapidly cooled, then packaged and sealed. (2) Fig jam. 1 Production process: fresh fruit → cleaning → softening → beating → blending → concentration → canning → sterilization → cooling. 2 Process points: Raw materials: Full ripe fruit should be selected, which can increase the yield of jam and make it rich in flavor. Softening and beating: In order to facilitate beating and prevent browning of the jam, it is necessary to soften the fig raw material. The method is to pour a small amount of fruit into boiling water in batches. The water contains an appropriate amount of compound color-protecting agent and is boiled for 10 minutes, so that the soft-decaying of the fruit also achieves the effect of protecting the color from the enzyme. The softened figs can be poured into a colloid mill for beating. A small amount of water is required for beating to facilitate the flow of pulp. Mixing and Concentration: Pour the ground jam into a pan or vacuum cooker, add the appropriate 80% syrup, and concentrate by heating. In order to increase the luster of the sauce body and shorten the concentration time, an appropriate amount of thickener may be added. When the sauce is concentrated to 45% to 50% of the hanging pieces or soluble solids, add the appropriate amount of citric acid and other seasonings, stir and dissolve to remove the pot. Canning: The jam is hot (not lower than 60 °C) into a bottle that has been cleaned and disinfected and immediately capped. Can also use a variety of film cooking bags. Sterilization and cooling: A 100°C water bath sterilizes at normal pressure for 10 minutes and then cools down in stages.

A selection of fresh Red Fuji Apples with a diameter of 80mm.
Reducing blood fat: the Japanese fruit tree Institute's human test showed that eating two apples a day, 3 weeks later, the level of triglycerides in the blood of the subjects decreased by 21%, and the level of triglycerides was the culprit of vascular sclerosis. When apple pectin enters the body, it binds to bile acids, absorbs excess cholesterol and triglycerides like a sponge, and then passes them out of the body. At the same time, apple decomposition of acetic acid is conducive to the catabolism of these two substances. In addition, Apple's vitamins, fructose, magnesium and so on can also reduce their content.

Cancer prevention: the Hirosaki University in Japan has confirmed that polyphenols in apple can inhibit the proliferation of cancer cells. And a study in Finland is more exciting: the flavones contained in apples are an efficient antioxidant, not only the best blood vessel cleaning agent, but also the killer of cancer. If people eat more apples, the risk of lung cancer can be reduced by 46%, and the chance of other cancers can be reduced by 20%. The latest research from the National Institutes of health of France also tells us that Proanthocyanidins from apples can prevent colon cancer.

Red Fuji 80 SpecificationsFresh Apple

Red Fuji 80 Specifications

Red Fuji 80 Specifications,80 Specifications Red Fuji Apples,Middle Size Red Fuji Apples,High Grade Red Fuji Apples

Ningxia Hongqiaozhigu Technology&Development Co.,Ltd ,