Shell chickens drink water early

Winter and spring is the golden season for chicken brooding. Chicks must be allowed to drink water within 24 hours after hatching, and the sooner the drinking water is, the better. Because water helps chicks to evaporate through the lungs and air bags. Water is the carrier through which the feed passes through the digestive tract and helps soften the feed in the crop. Water is also an important component of blood and lymph in chickens. If water supply to chicks is delayed, it will dehydrate and weaken the chicks, which is not conducive to survival.

Therefore, when the chicks are transferred to the rearing house for 6 hours after hatching, warm water above 18°C ​​should be poured into the drinking fountain to allow them to drink. Weak young animals that do not drink water should artificially assist them in learning to drink water.

Royal Jelly is also called Bee Milk. The fresh royal jelly is slightly ropy milk paste  substance; it is the excretive mixture of nutrition gland and maxilla gland of the head of little worker bee. The worker bees use this to feed the 1-3 days` worker bee larva and drone larva, 1-5.5 days` queen bee larva and queen bee in the oviposition period. The royal jelly is the biologic product containing very complicated active elements which contains almost all the nutrition elements required by the growth of the human body.

Royal Jelly

Royal Jelly,Natural Royal Jelly,Healthy Royal Jelly,Organic Fresh Royal Jelly

Easy Food (Jiaxing) Co., Ltd. ,