How to prevent lettuce hollow

During the elongation of lettuce, spray 0.1% borax, 800 times active potassium mixture, or 0.1% boric acid, 0.3% potassium dihydrogen phosphate mixture, or 1000 times fluid boron, 0.5% nitric acid once every 10-15 days. Potassium mixture, sprayed 3-5 times. Spray all the leaves evenly to start dropping drops of water. In this way, the lettuce grows quickly, expands rapidly, the stem meat is firm, not hollow, and the yield is high.

Food And Beverage Additive

Food And Beverage Additive is a nonnutritional substance that is added consciously, generally in small amounts, to food to improve its appearance, flavor, structure, or storage properties.According to this definition, food fortifiers with the purpose of enhancing the nutritional content of food should not be included in the scope of food additives.Food additives have the following three characteristics: one is to add to the food of the material, therefore, it is generally not eaten alone as food;Second, it includes both synthetic substances and natural substances.Third, it is added to the food for the purpose of improving the quality of food and color, aroma, taste and for the need of anti-corrosion, preservation and processing technology.

Food And Beverage Additive,Natural sweeteners, natural sweeteners, natural colors,thickner

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