How to make up for iron deficiency in plants

Iron element is one of the necessary nutrition elements for crop growth. Iron deficiency in crops can cause leaf yellowing and premature senescence. In severe cases, crop yield and quality will decline. Iron deficiency in agriculture is a worldwide problem. There are numerous reports on iron deficiency in plants in all countries of the world. In China, there is a large area of ​​iron-deficient soils in the vast areas of the area from the west of the Huaibei Plain to the Loess Plateau to Gansu, Qinghai, and Xinjiang, and some coastal areas also suffer from iron deficiency in the saline-alkali areas. Due to the iron deficiency, the output of grain, vegetables, fruit trees, and forage grasses has dropped significantly, resulting in greater economic losses. The main cause of iron deficiency in plants is the low effectiveness of iron in soil and the poor mobility in plants.

Iron deficiency conditions are mainly the following:

1. Soil pH is too high to hydrolyze and precipitate iron and convert bottom iron to high iron, thereby reducing the effectiveness of iron. This occurs in calcareous soils.

2. Excessive bicarbonate can, on the one hand, increase the pH of the soil and impede the transport of iron in the plant. It can also lead to plant physiological disorders and deactivate iron in plants. This occurs in calcareous soils. And alkaline earth, in which alkaline earth mainly distributed in China's northeast, north and northwest regions, mostly patchy scattered in the middle of saline soil.

3. Soil with low organic matter has low organic matter content.

4. Excessive amounts of phosphorus, manganese, or zinc in the soil may cause iron deficiency. Unreasonable fertilization, especially if too much phosphorus is used, can easily lead to iron deficiency.

5. Sandy soil, low effective iron content, insufficient crop absorption.

The iron deficiency in crops in China occurs mostly in calcareous soils and saline-alkali soils in the northern regions. Among them, fruit trees, corn, bean crops, sugar beet and cotton are sensitive to iron deficiency. The typical symptom of iron deficiency is the loss of green in the middle and upper leaves, which often begin to lose greenness between veins. The veins of the veins can remain green. As the iron deficiency increases, the leaves gradually turn white, the veins turn yellow, and when the iron is severely deficient, the leaves appear brown. Spots and tissue necrosis and lead to leaf death.

To correct iron deficiency in crops, leaf fertilization is generally used. In areas with severe iron deficiency, iron fertilizer must be applied in combination with soil. Commonly used iron fertilizers include ferrous sulfate, ferrous ammonium phosphate, ferrous sulfate, and artificially synthesized iron complexes such as iron citrate, EDTA-Fe, and EDDHA-Fe. In most cases, the effect of soil application is not significant, mainly because iron will quickly turn into insoluble oxides. In order to increase the effect of iron fertilizer, iron fertilizer can be mixed with organic fertilizer and applied in strips or holes. The stability of EDDHA-Fe is very strong, and the effect of iron supplementation in soil, especially alkaline soil, is significant. Foliar spray iron fertilizer also has the disadvantage of easy oxidation, coupled with the small mobility of iron in the plant, it is best to use iron fertilizers such as ED-TA-Fe and spray several times to effectively prevent iron deficiency. .

Microcirculation Microscope:

The micro circulation is by blood, the lymph and tissue fluid flowing which directly participates in the organization, the cell matter, the energy, the information transmission . May directly observe the blood flows in the thin artery, the blood capillary, and the thin vein through the micro circulation microscope , but if it does not do the special handling is that cannot see clearly the lymph and tissue fluid mobile, therefore, on clinical usually thought the micro circulation refers to the blood micro circulation in the blood capillary. Directly the blood, the lymph, tissue fluid flowing which participating in the matter, the information, the energy transmission of organization, and the cell , is called the micro circulation.

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