What kind of food should be eaten in the autumn?

When autumn arrives, our stomach enters a dangerous period. Especially those who have poor gastrointestinal function, if they accidentally eat too much, it is easy to have gastrointestinal problems - indigestion, diarrhea and so on. How to regulate the stomach in autumn?

Self-test your stomach is healthy:

1, immediately after meals, diarrhea, eat a diarrhea once, a little cold or improper diet on the attack. (allergic enteritis)

3. Abdominal pain and diarrhea after improper diet or cold, may be accompanied by vomiting, chills and fever. (acute gastroenteritis, acute dysentery)

4, abdominal pain after a meal, or nausea, vomiting, food sense, the time may have been a long time; pain, regular, such as cold, angry, eat irritating food after the attack. (peptic ulcer)

5, fullness after a meal or fullness all day long. (Gastrointestinal disorders)

6, abdominal pain after a meal, often nausea, vomiting, even vomiting blood, the past has a history of gastric disease has increased recently, or in the past did not appear before the stomach, and accompanied by anemia, weight loss, not eating, on the umbilic or at the heart Touch the hard block. (Possibly gastric cancer)

8, when the sternum is hindered, pauses, pain, and when light and heavy. (Esophagitis, esophageal diverticulum, or early esophageal cancer)

Foods that are conducive to conditioning the stomach:

1, corn

Although we are most familiar with yellow corn, which is as bright as the sun, there are many kinds of corn - from pink to blue to black - each with its own special antioxidant nutrients. Each corn or half cup of corn contains almost 2 grams of fiber. Popcorn also contains high fiber. Of course, this is not the reason you ate too hard, because it added a lot of cream and sugar.

2. Apple

In addition to being rich in vitamins, the apple contains cellulose that stimulates peristalsis and speeds up bowel movements. Therefore, it has a laxative effect and is effective for constipation.

3, kidney beans

Kidney beans are named after human kidneys. In North India and New Orleans, red beans and kidney beans are the main food ingredients. Like their close relatives, almost all the beans we eat are rich in fiber, protein and iron.

4, black beans

Each cup of black beans contains 15 grams of fiber, and about 15 grams of protein. Their plump blacks represent rich flavonoids, and land-colored foods contain large amounts of antioxidants. When you add beans and other high-fiber foods to your diet, be sure to remember to drink plenty of water.

The bad place for beans is to cause too many farts, but the key to prevention is the increasing consumption of beans. If you are eating low-fiber foods, do not suddenly increase to 40 grams per day. Fiber, because it will cause tremendous pressure on the Digestive System.

5, tofu

6, brown rice

The taste of rice is better, but the nutritional value of brown rice is obviously much higher. Its chewy taste may allow you to spend some time to adapt. But it is also worth it. Each cup of brown rice contains 3.5 grams of fiber. If you eat rice five or more times a week, you increase the risk of developing two types of diabetes by 17%. After you increase your diet for brown rice, the risk value will be reduced to 11%.

7, whole wheat bread

White bread uses finely ground flour, meaning that the shells and pods of the grain are removed. And wolfberry is the core of the germ. Wholemeal bread maintains these nutritious and rich fiber materials, so replacing white bread with whole wheat bread is a good way to increase nutrition. In doing so, the amount of fiber you get every day will be greatly improved.

8, oatmeal

Oat contains glucan, which is a very special fiber, has a good cholesterol-lowering effect, but also can enhance the immune system function. In oats, both soluble fiber (which reduces cholesterol) and insoluble fiber (which helps keep the digestive system open).

9, yogurt

In addition to all the nutrients contained in milk, yogurt is characterized by a rich lactic acid, which can decompose lactose in milk into lactic acid. For people who lack lactic acid in the gastrointestinal tract or drink diarrhea with fresh milk, they can change to yogurt.

Lactic acid can inhibit the growth of mold in the body and can prevent the dysbacteriosis caused by the use of antibiotics. Lactic acid can also prevent the accumulation of toxic substances produced by proteins decomposed by spoilage bacteria, and thus has an anti-cancer effect.

Veterinary Products



African Horse Sickness

African Swine Fever

Aino Disease


Amblyomma hebraeum

Amblyomma variegatum

American Cattle Tick

See: Boophilus annulatus


Aujeszky`s Disease

Avian Influenza

Avian Mycoplasmosis



See: Cat Scratch Disease


Blue Eye Disease


Boophilus annulatus

Boophilus microplus


Bovine Babesiosis

Bovine Ephemeral Fever

Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy

Bovine Tuberculosis

Brown Ear Tick

See: Rhipicephalus appendiculatus

Brucella abortus

Brucella canis

Brucella melitensis

Brucella ovis

Brucella suis


Brucellosis (Marine Mammals)




Canine Influenza

Caprine Arthritis and Encephalitis

Castor Bean Tick

See: Ixodes ricinus

Cat Scratch Disease

Cattle Fever

See: Bovine Babesiosis

Chagas (Trypanosomiasis-American)

Chlamydiosis (Avian)

Chlamydiosis (Mammalian)


Chronic Wasting Disease

Classical Swine Fever


Coggins Disease

See: Equine Infectious Anemia

Contagious Agalactia

Contagious Bovine Pleuropneumonia

Contagious Caprine Pleuropneumonia

Contagious Ecthyma

Contagious Equine Metritis


See: Q Fever

Crimean-Congo Hemorrhagic Fever




See: Taenia





Duck Virus Enteritis

Duck Virus Hepatitis


Eastern Equine Encephalomyelitis

Ebola Virus Disease


Egg Drop Syndrome


Enterovirus Encephalomyelitis

Epizootic Hematopoietic Necrosis

Epizootic Hemorrhagic Disease

Epizootic Lymphangitis

Epsilon Toxin of Clostridium perfringens

Equine Babesiosis

See: Equine Piroplasmosis

Equine Encephalitides

Equine Infectious Anemia

Equine Piroplasmosis

Equine Viral Arteritis

Escherichia coli 0157:H7

Exotic Ticks

See: Ticks (Exotic)


Ivermectin Injection,Veterinary Injection,Veterinary Products,Veterinary Tablet

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