Pregnancy radiation should eat what

There are so many electronic products now that there will be a lot of radiation around us. Radiation will not only affect the health of normal people, but it will be even more harmful to pregnant women. Therefore, pregnant women should pay attention to radiation prevention during pregnancy. Then, how can pregnant women prevent radiation during pregnancy? Chinese medicine has found that according to the taste of food, some foods have the effect of radiation protection. Here are some radiation-proof ingredients.

Seaweed: Anti-radiation St.

Laver is resistant to radiation, anti-mutation, and anti-oxidation and is related to selenium content. Selenium is an important trace element that can enhance the body's immune function and protect human health. Eat selenium rich purple amaranth, can improve the body's ability to fight radiation.


Garlic: Reduces radiation damage

Garlic is an essential condiment in cooking. Garlic contains more selenium, and the antioxidant effect of garlic is better than ginseng. Therefore, eating proper amounts of garlic helps reduce radiation damage.

Black fungus: clear stomach, polyester, radiation protection

The jelly in black fungus can absorb the dust, impurities and radioactive substances that remain in the human digestive system and concentrate it to be excreted from the body, thus playing a role in clearing the stomach, protecting the intestine and preventing radiation.

Tomatoes: Reduce skin radiation damage

Scientific investigations have found that those who regularly consume tomatoes and tomato products are lightly injured by radiation, and the mortality caused by radiation is also low. Experiments have shown that the content of lycopene in irradiated skin is reduced by 31% to 46%, and the content of other ingredients is almost unchanged. Lycopene annihilates free radicals that invade the human body, forming a natural barrier on the surface of the skin, effectively preventing external ultraviolet rays and radiation from damaging the skin.

Black sesame seeds: increase cellular immunity

According to the traditional Chinese medicine theory, black enters the kidney, and "the kidney is the main bone that leads to the brain." Various radiation hazards mainly affect the human brain and bone marrow, impairing the human immune system. Eat more kidney foods can enhance the body's cellular immunity, humoral immune function, can effectively protect human health.

Kelp: Anti-radiation effect

Recent studies have found that the extract of Laminaria japonica polysaccharide has anti-radiation effect due to the inhibition of apoptosis of immune cells.

The food introduced today can be bought in the market. Chinese medicine believes that these foods can help you prevent radiation during pregnancy, so pregnant women should eat regularly. Of course, there are many ways for pregnant women to prevent radiation. Apart from eating radiation-protective foods, they should also pay attention to keeping away from radiation sources in daily life, such as using less mobile phones and less playing computers. Reduce the frequency of use of electronic products, which will help radiation during pregnancy.

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