Corn downy mildew disease symptoms and control methods

First, the harm symptoms: corn downy mildew is a devastating disease. Seed damage, the whole plant leaves were pale green, gradually yellowing and dead as the disease progressed. Injury to adult plants, from the base of the leaves in the middle of the plant, produces pale green to yellowish-green stripes, which continuously spread to the tip of the leaves, turning the leaves into yellow-green, and finally dead. When the rainy weather or dew does not dry, white mold layer can be seen on both sides of the diseased leaf.
Second, the incidence of conditions: corn seedlings susceptible to disease in the 5 to 6 leaf stage. August-September is the peak period of corn downy mildew. If there is more rainfall during this period, the relative humidity is high, and the dew is heavy, the incidence is heavier.
Third, the prevention and control methods: (a) combined with the removal of the disease at the beginning of the disease, for chemical control, spray once every 7 to 10 days, and even spray 2 or 3 times. The agent can be used with 25% metalaxyl 800-1000 times, 65% dexamethasone 600 times, 40% phospho-aluminum 250 times.

A selection of fresh Red Fuji Apples with a diameter of 80mm.
Reducing blood fat: the Japanese fruit tree Institute's human test showed that eating two apples a day, 3 weeks later, the level of triglycerides in the blood of the subjects decreased by 21%, and the level of triglycerides was the culprit of vascular sclerosis. When apple pectin enters the body, it binds to bile acids, absorbs excess cholesterol and triglycerides like a sponge, and then passes them out of the body. At the same time, apple decomposition of acetic acid is conducive to the catabolism of these two substances. In addition, Apple's vitamins, fructose, magnesium and so on can also reduce their content.

Cancer prevention: the Hirosaki University in Japan has confirmed that polyphenols in apple can inhibit the proliferation of cancer cells. And a study in Finland is more exciting: the flavones contained in apples are an efficient antioxidant, not only the best blood vessel cleaning agent, but also the killer of cancer. If people eat more apples, the risk of lung cancer can be reduced by 46%, and the chance of other cancers can be reduced by 20%. The latest research from the National Institutes of health of France also tells us that Proanthocyanidins from apples can prevent colon cancer.

Red Fuji 90 SpecificationsFresh Apple

Red Fuji 90 Specifications

Red Fuji 90 Specifications,90 Specifications Red Fuji Apples,Large Red Fuji Apples 90 Specifications,Tribute Grade Red Fuji Apples

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